Monday, March 7, 2016


EVANGELIZM IN WORDS AND DEEDS: (MT 28V18-20; MK 16GV15-20; LK 24V47, 9V2.) First we need to remind ourselves what we mean by evangelism, is as simple as “spreading of the good news” that Christ had paid the price we ought to have paid, because of our sin. Rm 3v23, 6v23. There are two elements we must take cognizance of in other to get the best of this message: WORDS & DEEDS Words:- In Jude v3, from this verse, we are made to know that we are to earnestly contend for the Faith which was once delivered unto the Saints, we can do this through physical preaching. Deeds:- In Acts 9v36 from this verse we can see how Dorcas warn the hearts of those around her, so we see that our actions, endeavours, efforts can go a long way to bring souls into the kingdom of God. The early missionaries made good use of their initiatives by building Schools and hospitals, no wonder they were able to penetrate Africa and spread the gospel. We are going to consider three points: (1) GOAL ORIENTED EVANGELIZM WITH SACRIFICE. (2) GO IN THE STRENGTH OF THE SPIRIT AND PERFORM YOUR SACRIFICE. (3) GET THE REWARD OF OBEDIENCE BY SACRIFICE. (1) GOAL ORIENTED EVANGELIZM WITH SACRIFICE:- ( Mt 4v1-4; Lk 22v44; Jn 4v5-28,32-34; Acts 7v54,58; 2 Cor 11v24-31) Starting from our perfect example, our Lord Jesus Christ, we can see His commitment, zeal and the sacrifice and all that He went through because of the salvation of souls. We can also see the self-denier thou He was hungry, yet, He still found time to preach the gospel, Stephen also demonstrated an uncommon passion and goal to obey the master to the end, Paul was another individual that proved to us how to be single minded and goal oriented believer (Acts 20v24; 2 Tm 4v7). We the contemporary day believers must follow the footsteps of our Lord and the good examples of the saints of old. (2) GO IN THE STRENGTH OF THE SPIRIT AND PERFORM YOUR SACRIFICE:- ( Acts 1v8; 2v38-41; 2Sam 24v24; Rm 12v1 ) The Scriptures declares that “of ourselves we can do nothing, we need the spirit of God to back us in all areas of our lives. Remember, whatever we are giving or rendering must be sacrificial or else it will have no consequence at all (2Sam 24v24). If we are not led by the Spirit and controlled by the Spirit, there is no way we can render an acceptable sacrifice, therefore it is mandatory for every Heaven bound citizen who really want to be fruitful in the field of evangelism to be filled with the Spirit of God and render reasonable and acceptable sacrifice. (3) GET THE REWARD OF OBEDIENCE BY SACRIFICE:- ( Isah 1v19; Jn 4v36,37; Dan 12v3; Mt 5v11,12; Rv 20v4; Mt 25v23; ) Truly there are rewards for the obedient children, these rewards will only come through our self-sacrifice( Rm12v1), our time, our talent, our money everything belongs to God (2 Tm 4v7,8). The Lord had made His own sacrifice (Lk 22v44), and He left the stage for us to do likewise. As we labour in the field of evangelism, sacrifice our time, talents, money etc. we shall not miss our rewards in Jesus name.